Business & Optimism begeleidt ondernemingen en hun bedrijfsleiders in het ontplooien van hun netwerk en dit doelgericht in functie van hun verwachtingen en noden.
De focus ligt daarbij op het resultaat, de ontwikkeling, de duurzaamheid en het imago van de onderneming.
Gebaseerd op:
- Een netwerk van momenteel meer dan 500 ondernemingen.
- Instrumenten en methodes die toelaten de verwachtingen, de noden, mogelijke projecten,… te identificeren.
- De overtuiging dat alles evolueert en de visie: de 'optimistische onderneming'.
- Een mindset gebaseerd op vertrouwen en op een dynamische uitwisseling van best practices.
- De beste experten en consultanten, die deze visie delen.
Wat heeft Business & Optimism te bieden?
Meetings are fruitful each and every time as a result of the originality of the experienced and shared solutions. An atmosphere of cooperation and open-mindedness encourage me to take on the challenges necessary to build a future in which the human element is counted as one of the successes of a company.
Yves Pianet - CEO Seco Group
Member of B&O for a few years now. We particularly appreciate this privileged opportunity to meet and exchange experiences with potential customers and suppliers. And it all takes place in an atmosphere that is simultaneously professional, efficient, welcoming and, yes, optimistic! An approach that should be highlighted in these more difficult times!
Chantal Cabuy - Head of Human Resources & Internal Communication
Business and Optimism,The initiators have appointed their organization as such because it is complicated to appoint its website business-and-optimism-and-inspiration-and-humanism-and-courage-and-responsibility-and-happiness-and-future-and-team-and-working together-and-energy.com. But it is well all this what they bring us. A considerable wealth!
Nicolas Peltier - CEO Anatole
The first thought that springs to mind when I think back to the two workshops that I followed is that they were ‘a breath of fresh air, and inspiring’. Based on real life cases, the experiences exchanged during these meetings allow you to venture off the beaten path and away from the same old repertoire in order to step back and think about new methods of management that are more original and based on the trust that can be placed in human capital, and just allow yourself to dream! It may seem naïve to some, but the exchange of experience is very enriching and you leave the meeting feeling stimulated and optimistic!
Nathalie Romain - Group Human Resources Director Schréder s.a.