Wie zijn we?
Het netwerk Business & Optimism werd eind 2010 opgericht om het contact en het verkeer tussen bedrijven aan te moedigen.
Vandaag begeleiden we bijna 400 bedrijven bij het ontwikkelen van hun projecten aan de hand van een toenaderingsdynamiek en gerichte uitwisseling.
Business & Optimism bestaat uit een team dat optimisme in het hart van de ondernemingen wil plaatsen.
Het team aan het woord
Fondateur et associé de Business & Optimism
"Because, by placing optimism at the heart of business, companies become incredible drivers of greater happiness and enthusiasm, creating opportunities and results for everyone."
Fondatrice Business & Optimism France
"Oser l'optimisme, c'est conjuguer lucidité et enthousiasme pour régénérer l'entreprise. L'optimisme est une éthique de travail, une invitation à la confiance, à l'innovation et au bonheur. Comme autant de facteurs de succès et de dépassement des contraintes. Il est grand temps d'être optimistes !"
Kurt Debaene,
Director Business Development & Marketing, Allen & Overy Belgium
“Blending the human factor with market & corporate dynamics remains an ongoing challenge and a constantly moving target : change is the only constant in our lives with the option of optimism as an enabling catalyst"
Business Psychologist - Consultant in Executive Leadership alignment
“Optimism creates an incredible added value at the level of the behavior of your people. Organizations become better by believing in a better future - in a way this is all about creating your own self fulfilling prophecy, but in a managed and controlled way”
Your court jester Bob travels from Dubai to Hanover and from Florida to Gdansk to confront people / companies with their own future.
"You're not responsible for the face you were given but you are for the rotten face you pull!" Optimism is a moral duty! Es ist zeit für neue Zeiten! J'ai décide d'être heureux parce que c'est bon pour la santé! (Voltaire) »
co-founder GLASSROOTS, stakeholder engagement
'“Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you anywhere" In this famous quote from Albert Einstein, I would replace 'imagination' by 'optimism'. Being optimistic in business ultimately means that, in any given situation, you believe in the best possible outcome. Not because you are naive, but because you dare to dream, believe in your vision, handle obstacles, and work hard to get things done. Business & Optimism will prove how this attitude leads to results on your bottom line. Did you say 'return on investment' or 'return on optimism' ?”@elkejeu
Chief Happiness Officer always looking on the bright side of (business) life
“Optimism is a state of mind that you chose. Optimism makes you more enthusiastic, more committed, more engaged, more agile. It makes you see light u-in the dark. Optimism enhances your business ideas. Optimism make you meet optimistic people who will share energy with you. Optimism opens you business Opportunities. Optimism creates performance and happiness. ”
Bruno Schroder
Technology Officer, Microsoft
"When you’re active in Information Technology, Optimism is really part of your way of life. With computers being more powerfull and software more clever every year, you are sitting in a constant flux of new tools, possibilities and ideas. Optimism is what turns it into even more innovations and solutions. "
Mark Verheyden
PhD Student and Teaching Assistant Communication Sciences at the VUB
“Optimism is what drives people to constantly improve themselves. It's about believing that things can be changed. For the young, optimism often triggers the urge to be entrepreneurial and innovative. I am convinced that a positive state of mind can be of help when one's willpower is tested to the limits. But even more important: optimism is a choice of which you are in control”